
Open Bar: Toro Y Moi

Before Chaz played Brooklyn Bowl, he stopped by Heathers to play a little guitar set. 2 songs not featured on Causers of This, 'Lately' and 'Absolutely'. This man does no wrong.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Oxygen Ash Tray,

    I am commenting on the behalf of Sidewalk Dave from New Haven, CT. On May 1st we are officially releasing our sophomore full-length entitled “Gold Liquid Mischief”.

    You can stream the new album at: www.sidewalkdave.bandcamp.com

    You can very simply download the entire album as a zip file at: http://public.me.com/mskaggsjr

    We are often placed in the aggressive folk-rock/Americana genre and our sound has been described as “The Beatles, on whiskey instead of acid or pot (countrymusicpride.com)”.

    I love your blog and we would love to hear what you think about our album. I look forward to your response.

    Thank you,

    Sidewalk Dave
    More info at: www.sidewalkdave.com
